Crystal Pipes
Quartz rose
Le quartz rose est la pierre de l'amour universel. Il rétablit la confiance et l'harmonie dans les relations, encourageant l'amour inconditionnel. Le quartz rose purifie et ouvre le cœur à tous les niveaux pour promouvoir l'amour, l'amour-propre, l'amitié, la guérison intérieure profonde et les sentiments de paix. Apaisante et rassurante, elle aide à réconforter en période de chagrin. Le quartz rose dissipe la négativité et protège contre la pollution de l'environnement, en le remplaçant par des vibrations affectueuses. Il encourage le pardon et l'acceptation de soi en invoquant la confiance en soi et l'estime de soi. Le quartz rose renforce et équilibre le cœur physique et le système circulatoire, et libère les impuretés des fluides corporels. Il accélère la récupération, réduit l'hypertension artérielle, facilite les problèmes pulmonaires et pulmonaires, guérit les reins et les glandes surrénales et soulage les vertiges. Un bon soutien énergétique pour les personnes atteintes de leucémie. Le quartz rose a le pouvoir d'augmenter la fertilité et de protéger la mère et le fœtus à naître contre les fausses couches. Associations de quartz rose Chakras - Chakra du cœur Zodiaque - Taureau , Balance Planète - Vénus Élément - Terre, eau Vibration - Numéro 7 Couleurs typiques - rose rose

Crystal Pipes
Heart Shaped Rose Quartz
from $37.99
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.
Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo. A good energetic support for those with leukaemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage.
Rose Quartz Associations
Chakras - Heart ChakraZodiac - Taurus, LibraPlanet - VenusElement - Earth, WaterVibration - Number 7Typical colours - rose pink

Crystal Pipes
Heart Shaped Labradorite Pipes
from $39.99
The lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one's own awareness of inner spirit, intuition and psychic abilities.
Labradorite is also the most powerful protector of the mineral kingdom, creating a shielding force throughout the aura and strengthening natural energies from within. It protects against the negativity and misfortunes of this world, and provides safe exploration into alternate levels of consciousness and in facilitating visionary experiences from the past or the future.
Chakras - Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown ChakraZodiac - Leo, Scorpio, SagittariusPlanet - UranusElement - WaterVibration - Numbers 6 and 7Typical colours - Pale green, blue, colourless, grey-white: with iridescent blue or gold flashes

Crystal Pipes
Heart Shaped Rose Quartz Pendant
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.
Rose Quartz strengthens and balances the physical heart and circulatory system, and releases impurities from body fluids. It hastens recovery, reduces high blood pressure, aids chest and lung problems, heals the kidneys and adrenals, and alleviates vertigo. A good energetic support for those with leukaemia. Rose Quartz has the power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage.
Chakras - Heart ChakraZodiac - Taurus, LibraPlanet - VenusElement - Earth, WaterVibration - Number 7Typical colours - rose pink

Crystal Pipes
Aurora Borealis Pendant (Fluorite)
Fluorite cleanses and stabilises the aura. It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. An excellent learning aid, Fluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision-making. It encourages positivity, balances the energies, and improves balance and coordination, both physically and mentally.
Fluorite boosts the immune system and stimulates the regeneration and restructuring of cells and DNA, particularly in the skin and respiratory tract, and heals ulcers and wounds. Fluorite strengthens bone tissue, and alleviates rheumatism, arthritis and spinal injuries. It improves the discomfort of shingles and other nerve-related pain.
Fluorite Associations
Chakras - Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye ChakraZodiac - Capricorn, PiscesElement - Air, WaterVibration - Number 7Typical colours - Colourless, white, purple, blue, blue-green, green, yellow, brownish-yellow, pink or red.

Crystal Pipes
Strawberry Quartz
Blue Goldstone
Blue Goldstone (also called Blue Sandstone), is a stone of victory. It heightens wisdom, courage, and physical energy. Blue Goldstone deflects negative energy and encourages motivation and drive. This stone increases confidence and willpower, it promotes glory and success.
Goldstone Associations
Chakras - (blue) Throat Chakra, (gold) Sacral ChakraTypical colours - blue, or gold with golden sparkles
Dimensions of The Pipe
Height: Imperial: 4.2"~4.8" inches/ Metric: 10.5 to 12cm
Width: Imperial: 1.1'' inches/ Metric: 2.8 Cm
Depth: Imperial: 0.7'' inches/ Metric: 1.8 Cm

Crystal Pipes
Gemstone Variety Set (4 Wands & 1 Chunky Amethyst Cluster)
Amethyst is a powerful and protective stone. It guards against psychic attack, transmuting the energy into love and protecting the wearer from all types of harm, including geopathic or electromagnetic stress and ill wishes from others.
The lore of the Inuit peoples claim Labradorite fell from the frozen fire of the Aurora Borealis, an ordinary stone that transforms to the extraordinary, shimmering in a mystical light that separates the waking world from unseen realms. It is, in every sense, a Stone of Magic, a crystal of shamans, diviners, healers, and all who travel and embrace the universe seeking knowledge and guidance. For self-discovery, it is excellent for awakening one's own awareness of inner spirit, intuition and psychic abilities.
A stone of protection, Tiger Eye may also bring good luck to the wearer. It has the power to focus the mind, promoting mental clarity, assisting us to resolve problems objectively and unclouded by emotions. Particularly useful for healing psychosomatic illnesses, dispelling fear and anxiety. Useful for recognising one’s own needs in relation to the needs of others. Balancing yin-yang and energising the emotional body, Tiger Eye stabilises mood swings, imbues us with willpower, purpose, courage and self-confidence, and releases tension.
Clear Quartz is the most popular and versatile healing stone of all the crystals.
It is the most powerful healing stone thought to be able to work on any condition. It is known as the stone of power and amplifies any energy or intention. It is said to protects against negativity, connecting you to your higher self. It also is said to relieve pain if placed on the area of discomfort (make sure you are using a clean piece or leave it in salt water for a few hours before rinsing and using it ).
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth.
Amethyst Cluster: 70~100g/ 2.4~3.5 ouncesHexagons: 7cm on average/ 3"

Crystal Pipes
L'améthyste est une pierre puissante et protectrice. Il protège contre les attaques psychiques, transmute l'énergie en amour et protège le porteur de tous les types de dommages, y compris le stress géopathique ou électromagnétique et les mauvais souhaits des autres. L'améthyste est un tranquillisant naturel, elle soulage le stress et la tension, apaise l'irritabilité, équilibre les sautes d'humeur, dissipe la colère, la rage, la peur et l'anxiété. Soulage la tristesse et le chagrin et dissout la négativité. L'améthyste active la conscience spirituelle, ouvre l'intuition et améliore les capacités psychiques. Il possède de puissants pouvoirs de guérison et de nettoyage. L'améthyste encourage la sobriété, ayant un effet de sobriété sur la consommation excessive d'alcool, de drogues ou d'autres dépendances. Il calme et stimule l'esprit, vous aidant à devenir plus concentré, améliorant la mémoire et améliorant la motivation. L'améthyste aide à se souvenir et à comprendre les rêves. Il soulage l'insomnie. Encourage l'altruisme et la sagesse spirituelle. Associations d'améthystes Chakras - Chakra du troisième œil , Chakra de la couronne Pierre de naissance - février Zodiaque - Vierge , Sagittaire , Capricorne , Verseau , Poissons Planète - Jupiter Élément - Air, eau Vibration - Numéro 3 Couleurs typiques - violet légèrement rosé à violet foncé